"Back to Redmond"

Best of Show, First Prize - $200

Best of Show, Second Prize - $100

People's Choice - $25

Best of Show, First Prize - $200
The City of Redmond has closed its community centers and cancelled all events through April 30. The "Back to Redmond" exhibit, at the Redmond Community Center, continues to be “on hold” for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. Since the "Back to Redmond" exhibit is postponed at the community center due to the current health crisis, the VALA Board has decided to do a “virtual” showing of "Back to Redmond!" As part of the virtual showing, VALA is sharing the jury selected submissions of the show, online through our Instagram and our Facebook networks, and on this web page!
VALA is aware of how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting the arts community in general. Much of the funding that non-profit organizations rely on has decreased or even disappeared, and priorities have shifted for many financial supporters. As artists, we should be pulling together to weather this storm. Artists supporting artists will be the best way for everyone. Art communities, organizations, and individual artists can all work together to come out on the other side pandemic as vibrant and strong as we were before the crisis. Art is more than a pretty picture. Art is comforting, and it is inspiring in a time of crisis. VALA will do its small part in supporting our artists AND our community.
Judging is a combination of input from the judges and of the number of times artists repost on social media networks Facebook, and Instagram. The reposts, include the following hashtags: #VALA #BackToRedmond #VoteForMe.
The first category is the People’s Choice awards that were chosen by the number of REPOSTS of their VALA posts on their own social media streams. REPOSTS were chosen because it was not dependent on the size of the artists networks and leveled the field for artists in all stages of their art careers.
The second category was Judges’ Choice awards. The judging was done by Marlene Katz, and by Jacqui Calladine, a longtime member of the VALA Community. Jacqui has been involved with VALA over many years in a series of roles ranging from volunteer to Board Member.
Winner of the "Back to Redmond - Virtual Art Show:"
Brooke Borcherding (Best of Show, First Prize - $200)
Marisete Haas (Best of Show, Second Prize - $100)
Anne Dziok (Best of Show, Third Prize $50)
Ashwini Sadakar (People's Choice - $25)
Prachi Chaturvedi (People's Choice - $25)
Curator: Marlene Katz
Juror: Jacqui Calladine
Social Media / IT Consultant: Crystal A Edwards
Event Coordinator: Laura Lee Bennett